Things I should know about…
Let the teacher know of any injuries or relevant medical information. Especially if you are new or have a new teacher. Then we are better able to guide your practice to keep it safe.
During menstruation, ladies are recommended to practice the more gentle yoga exercises and avoid inverted poses (upside down postures). During this time be careful not to exert the body.
High blood pressure, dizziness & heart conditions are conditions Important for your Instructor to know about before the class so that they can offer variations on certain exercises.
Light-headed, Headaches, Dizziness, Cramps & other physical complaints may be experienced after a Yoga class. Newly stretched muscles may respond by cramping or twitching, and toxins liberated from usually tense muscles may cause headaches or nausea. This is a good sign that your body is detoxing! Symptoms will quickly disappear by drinking water, a warm shower and by breathing fresh air.
Pregnant Women If you are wishing to start yoga within your first trimester we suggest you get your health care practitioners OK before commencing. Women can practice Yoga at all stages throughout pregnancy. Pre-Natal classes are the best option. Otherwise, we recommend you attend an easy yoga/level 1 class. Inform the instructor the trimester of pregnancy, so that appropriate variations and recommendations can be made. Meditation and Relaxation are wonderfully beneficial for mother and child.